Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just Like A Drug Addict

'"We are all Jonesing now for money", Mr. Ammiano said...'

Money is like a drug to the government. Once they get a little, they want some more. To them, there is never enough. They are like a heroin addict.

We are seeing how this addiction has caused the nation to go into crisis. States like California have spent money like there is an endless supply. This is typical of most states who were run by tax and spend politicians (which most of them are). These people feel entitled to the people's money. It is their belief that how much they spend is of little consequence.

What is amazing is when one actually admits to their addiction. A recovering drug addict will freely tell of all he or she went through to get high. It often is not a pretty story. Here is an article which tells of some of the things that one political leader went through to get more money out of the taxpayers. The analogy is almost eerie.

Now that there is financial turmoil, the politicians are looking for new ways to raise money. Everything they can tax will be taxed. It is that simple. A heroin addict will steal your television to score some dope. A politician will tax the hell out of the people so they can keep spending. It is like it is in their DNA.

This is going to occur at every level of government. The local governments are going to increase property taxes while the states are doing all they can to up their portion. And, the Feds? Well they are running a $1.75 trillion deficit. Do you think that 95% of the people will see a tax decrease? This is pure propaganda. We are in the middle of the largest redistribution of wealth this country ever saw. There is no way for it to be avoided. Money is going to move from the private sector to the government doles quicker than ever before.

This is highway robbery; plain and simple. These people belong in jail. If they were in the private sector, they would be facing prosecution. Perhaps it is time that our political leaders were held accountable for their actions.

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How Much Is It All Really

Politicians mention billions of dollars like it is water. However, have you ever thought of how much a billion really is. I came across a wonderful site which gives examples of how much it is really.

Click here to read.

My next question is: how much is a trillion, as in $3.5 trillion?

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History Repeating Itself

We have reverted back to the 1700s. They say those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I believe we are witnessing the beginnings of a struggle which was fought over 200 years ago. Unfortunately, the political leaders in Washington are no different then the King of England during that period. It seems many are feeling what the colonists felt.

There was a group of brave protesters in St. Louis who staged a revision of the Boston Tea Party. (Read article)

Taxation is not the immediate cause of unrest. It is spending. However, if anyone thinks that Obama is going to pay for all this mess without taxing the middle class, they are insane. Already we are getting estimates that his tax on energy is going to raise the average electric bill by 6% while a gallon of gas will go up 12-15 cents. This is on top of the increases at the state and local levels. People are going to pissed when the new taxes hit.

People are also outraged at the fact that their voices are not heard. The politicians do what they want without consequences. Take the bailout of the auto manufacturers as an example. The polls showed the majority of Americans were against it. Yet, even after Congress voted against it, Bush went ahead anyway. Ditto for the stimulus. Contrary to what the politicians say, polls showed the majority of Americans were also against that bill. Again, it went ahead. Now, we have a $3.5 trillion budget which will saddle future generations with debt. What are the chances this passes?

Once again we are at the point where the people are being screwed. It is sad there is not the national outrage against those in power. The people in the government are destroying this country and everyone is standing by allowing them. This will certainly come back to bite them in the ass.

I applaud the people in St. Louis today. Good for them. Hopefully we will see more of it in the future.

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally Someone Said It

Political correctness is creating a nation of sissies. For years we have had to hold our tongues for fear of "offending" someone else. Well you know what, some need to be offended.

Nevertheless, dont take my word for it. Here comes the statements from Dirty Harry himself.

Read here.

A sissy, he is not.

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An Emphathic No

What does it tell you that the stock market has dropped roughly 25% since Obama took office? The stock market has a way of casting it vote each day on the different situations around the world. Unrest in the Middle East is met with an immediate increase in oil prices. When the situation reverses, the price goes in the opposite direction.

So, what does the market tell us about it's feelings about the Obama policies? I believe it is saying "they suck". That is the only way to read the situation. The Treasury Secretary half heartedly tells us what he is going to do and the market plunges 300 points. Obama gives his State of the Union, and the market suffers another down day. Naturally, the $3.5 trillion budget was met with the same results.

Larry Kudlow has an excellent article about this very subject. Read it here.

I think Kudlow is right (one of the few times). Obama has an all-out assault on the business. He believes that anything not in the control of the Federal Government is bad. Private investment is something that needs to be destroyed. If he cannot regulate it, he wants to tax it or nationalize it. This is the essence of his administration.

The sad truth is the government cannot solve any problems. They have zero problem solving skills. If you doubt it, look at education. We trusted the government to educate our children and we have a bunch of idiots. At the end of the day, waste and fraud prevail when the government is involved.

We are seeing the only semblance of intelligence voting each day on Wall Street. The American people voted overwhelmingly for Obama. However, most of them are like sheep. They will do anything NBC news tells them to do. The market is made up of people who have the financial risks exposed. They tell us who is wrong and who is right.

And, at the moment, Barack Obama is totally wrong.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fantasy Land

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does. We all know that Obama and his liberal cronies in Congress are on board with the global warming myth as a means of income redistribution. That is no secret. Thus we are seeing many things in the budget which move us to tighter, business unfriendly policies.

Yet, now we find out that a squirrel could be the undoing of our entire energy policy. Now lets be serious folks. This animal is like a hamster (which to many is a rat). Nevertheless, environmental morons want to protect the pike.

Here is the article.

The point that I want to stress is that many are using the global warming argument as a means to project the demise of this creature. Well, this is a myth of the grandest proportions. The planet, in spite of what Al Gore and his loony friends say, is not getting warming. In fact, over the last decade, the temperature leveled out before dropping the last couple of years. (Read article here).

This is total hypocrisy. These people are seeking to destroy business, thus the economy and American way of life, over a total myth. Al Gore says there is consensus. He is a liar. There is no consensus among scientists. In fact, the argument is swaying in the other direction when real scientists, not ones who get their research dollars from the government, are considered. Global warming is a lie. Everything this movement says is false.

The polar bears are not going extinct; their population has never been greater. Artic Ice is expanding especially when true reading are used (not omitting a mass the size of California. Sunspots are at a 50 years low. And the PDO switched to a cooling phase. All this leads to a downturn in worldwide global temperatures.

The political leadership in this country is in fantasy land. Well, maybe they know what is going on and the American people are asleep. Either way, they are selling and we are buying a bunch of bull crap.

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Nobody Is Profiting

Capitalism is now dead. I got this straight from Jim Cramer, the host of the popular show "Mad Money". Cramer, on his show, said he believes there are no stocks which can profit from Obama. This is something that I never witnessed in my life. There is always a sector which should move based upon the new President. Republicans typically favor defense so that those tend to rise after he takes office. At the same time, alternative energy companies and healthcare often jump when Democrats win the White House.

Obama is a friend of nobody other than government. He is a fan of huge government and an enemy of business. This is a man who believes that business is bad. People who succeed in the private sector are evil according to his mindset. For this reason, he is doing everything that he can to crush the private sector.

I have mentioned that, based upon his early decision, Obama will go down as the worst President in history. He is so left of center that his decisions are alienating the rest of the country. Yet, I doubt he cares very much.

Does Obama believe he is doing the right thing? I believe he does. Of course his ideology blinds him to the most basic of facts. And, just because one believes it doesnt make it so. Charles Manson believed he was doing right by mutilating another human being. It doesnt make it right.

$3.6 trillion. That is a number which is astounding. I do not care what the circumstances, there is no justification for that type of money. Obama is a madman who has no place serving as dog catcher let alone President.

And for all of you who voted for him, go look in the mirror to see what a total jackass looks like. You are the real morons of the country.

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Insanity To The Nth Degree

We always wondered what it would be like to have a madman in control of the "button". This sent fears throughout the entire cold war. Would the two leaders have cool enough heads to prevail. Well, we are back to that point.

Barack Obama is a total madman. I do not believe he is unstable when it comes to nuclear weapons. However, fiscally, this guy is a maniac. He unveiled his budget today to the nation. And it is a doozy.

Before going any further, I want to remind everyone that the largest budget under the last socialist, President Bush, was $500 billion. Keep that number in mind when you hear what Obama wants.

His budget for the next year is $3.75 trillion with a deficit running $1.75 trillion. Are you kidding me. This is outrageous. He is committing larceny as we speak. Talk about ripping off our children. (Read story here).

I wrote yesterday that Obama is proving himself to be a tax and spend liberal. This budget further proves this idea. He is going to taxes by $1 trillion to help offset his insanity.

Welcome to anarchy 2009. We are witnessing the end.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tax and Spender

The ruse is over. For anyone who actually believed that Obama was a centrist or was going to govern from the middle, your world was shattered last night. If the fact that he signed the largest spending bill in history did not convince you, his speech to Congress did. Obama is a liberal in the truest sense of the word.

So what are we confronted with? We have a leader who is the atypical tax and spender. Obama believes that government is the answer. He likes it bigger and bigger. The more power the government has, the happier he is.

Obama is going to get his wish. He has the most liberal Congress that I can remember. Any organization that is headed by a representative from San Francisco is going to be way out there. And this one is.

I believe most people understood that Obama was one who would say anything to get elected. Hell, what politician won't? However, there were some who actually believed in "change you can believe in". What a ruse that is. He is no different then any other power hungry politician. Everything that he is doing is par for the course with Washington. Lobbyist in the administration is nothing new. Neither is unscrupulous people serving in the cabinet. Overall, Obama is atypical of Washington.

After last night's speech, my beliefs were confirmed. Forget the rhetoric of slashing the deficit in half. This guy is going to waste so much money over the next few years that the debt will grow by 50%. He will make Bush look conservative and he spent like a drunken liberal.

The issues confronting California and New York will be confronted by the country. Those two states have been run by tax and spend liberals for decades. Now, they are broke. This will be the United States in a couple of years. The only thing saving our asses right now is the fact we can print money. Wait until nobody has confidence in it. Then all hell will break loose.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Misled Again

Al "global warming" Gore has changed his presentation. It seems that one of the slides he used was proven to be misleading (i.e untrue). Now if we can get him to get rid of the rest of the fallacy called his hypothesis.

Read story here.

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It's Only A Couple Hundred Million

It seems that the government blew through $273 million in no time. The payoff: nothing.

NASA lost a satellite which was to measure the entry and exiting of greenhouse gases from our atmosphere. Read the story here.

Maybe this will help to strike a blow to the global warming myth. God is telling us what the truth is.

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This one certainly is a dumbass

Watch this video of the leader from ACORN. The entitlement mentality is alive and well. I wonder if beating this woman with a belt is covered by the Constitution since it will give me happiness.

Check out this VIDEO

This is just another example of how the government is creating a dependent state. And, remember, this organization was just given billions by the Obama stimulus package.

The revolution nears.

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An Addiction

Have you ever seen an alcoholic at an open bar? He (or she) is like a kid in a candy store. It is like a license to steal. Drink all you can for free. It is an alcoholics nirvana.

I bring up this analogy because it provides a visual for our current political leadership (the last set of leaders falls into this category also). This morning, I read that our fearless government executives in Washington are proposing another $410 billion in spending. This is coming on the heels of the $800 billion stimulus and the trillions which the banks are getting. We have certainly entered the twilight zone.

This is a royal screwing of the American people. Forget about what the money is used for, at this point none of it matters anymore. When we are dealing with numbers so big, it is impossible to monitor it all anyway. The TARP money is an example of that.

What I find interesting is how immune we suddenly became to the numbers being thrown around. There was a time when a billion dollars meant something. Do you truly understand how much a billion dollars really is? Yet, today we talk in terms of hundreds of billions of dollars. This is a sum we will never be able to pay back.

There is a simple truth which most people fail to understand: money is a drug to politicians. They cannot get enough of it. Their entire power is based upon the money they control. When they control more money, they control the people through the use of handouts. Look at the expansion in the welfare system. The joke of a stimulus package put in stipulations that states received more money for putting more people on the dole. This gives the states incentive to make more people dependent. Hence, more power for those with the money (Washington). It is ridiculous.

Where will this all end up? I am not certain. I hope there is a peaceful resolution to all this. However, my instincts tell me this is not likely. The economic fundamentals simply do not compute. We cannot spend like this and hope that everything will be okay. We are already going to be confronted with massive inflation when recovery does hit. To counter this, the Fed will raise interest rates, which will stunt growth due to lack of lending. Thus, our recovery will be slowed (or stunted) because of the choices the politicians made now.

I believe we are going to see a major revolution in this country. There will come a day when the people who are being handed the tab for all this crap are going to say "enough". The amount of working taxpayers is decreasing. Each time the government removes an independent from the tax rolls while putting them in the dependent category, we see a shift in the amount of people contributing. This means that fewer will have to give a larger portion. At some point, people say "no more". It is time those morons in Washington paid attention. But, alas, they wont.

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Monday, February 23, 2009


Obama is going to reach out to Republicans to change the tone in Washington and to get bipartisan agreement. Here is the question: when did Obama make this promise? If you guessed during the campaign you are wrong (well you are right but that is not the answer I am looking for). Obama made this statement today.

President Obama has promised to reach out to Republicans during his fiscal summit. Of course, he left himself an exit by stating that some philosophical differences are impossible to overcome. (Here is the article).

Isnt this something? We have heard this one before. Here is a clue for President Obama: we are wise to you. When Obama, as most politicians, say "bipartisanship, they mean that the other side agrees with them. This is how he thinks. After all, he won the election. What a crock.

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A Proven Solution

We are in a recession (or is it a depression) and Obama is proposing raising tax on the "rich". First, if anyone believes that this will be relegated only to the wealthy, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Secondly, when in history was it shown that raising taxes got us out of a bad economy.

Here is a clue: to get out of a downturn in spending, someone needs to start spending. That usually falls to the people with money. Since the poor have nothing and, now, the middle class is tapped out, that leaves the rich. They are the only ones with any money left. Yet, Obama feels it best to grow the government by taxing these people more.

Obama is suddenly concerned about the deficit. We know what this month's revelation is. Last month, Obama thought the deficit irrelevant when he was passing the biggest spending bill in U.S. history. Of course, now by being a budget hawk, Obama is able to implement more plans to redistribute the wealth. His social engineering platform is taking shape.

What do you call someone who sounds middle of the road yet is a flaming leftist? Barack Obama. Claims of socialism are not unwarranted. This guy is a lefty in the total sense of the word. And America fell for it. Well, I cannot blame the stupidity of the American people on Obama. They got that way all on their own.

Everyday we see the stupidity of this man. Raising taxes on the only set of people who have any money during the worst economic crisis in decades. That is stupidity at its finest. You talk a good game yet are proving that you are totally full of crap. Go back to Chicago you moron.

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What A Fraud

Obama has no clue what he is doing. Personally, I thought we would never see anyone who was as inept as Jimmy Carter. I was wrong. This guy is going to make Carter look like Abraham Lincoln. Mark my words, the Obama administration (and the morons in Congress) is going to screw this situation up that it will take us a generation to unravel.

Once again, the stock market crashed following the remarks of the esteemed President. His gurus are now thinking of buying 40% of Citibank. I dont know about you, but the idea of the government owning one bank while the rest are struggling is not a good thing. Not only will the shareholders suffer, but the system is going to dive at this idea. We are already seeing it.

Besides, what makes these morons think the government is able to solve any business problem. Let us look at the entities the government is involved in. The United States Post Office. Losing billions. Amtrak. Ditto, billions in loses. Fannie and Freddie. Total collapse. Do you get the point?

Obama campaigned as a problem solver. The truth is he is a talker when it serves him. At the moment, Obama is talking down the economy. If you believe that to be right-wing rhetoric, then check all his speeches the last month. He makes speeches that are self-serving without regard for who he is hurting. Obama, as all politicians, are out for themselves. Maintaining power is the focus. And he will do anything for that end.

For weeks we heard how crucial it is for his "stimulus" bill to get done. Forgetting the fact that this is the most obvious liberal spending platform ever, it increased the debt by almost $1 trillion (closer to $2 trillion when interest and all the rest is factored in). That was bad enough. Now, suddenly, this moron suddenly feels that deficits are dangerous (read article). Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Of course, saying that before we spent $30 million studying the mouse in San Francisco (courtesy of Nancy Pelosi) was not in the cards.

Obama is a total fraud. He is someone who is totally unqualified to be President of the Boy Scouts, let alone the United States. He is a liar from the corrupt Chicago political establishment. He is showing himself to be a say anything to get elected type but do none of it. His administration is filled with lobbyists and tax cheats (and it would have more if he could have gotten them through). In short, he is pathetic.

The end is closer than we believe. Obama is going to screw up the United States so much. We are closing in on the time when the revolution will take place. Remember, you Presidential piece of trash, you work for us.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Management Style

Barack Obama is an excellent campaigner. He is so excelled at that trait that he wooed most of America into overlooking his lack of experience (the media helped in this also). Unfortunately, it seems that Obama has failed to realize there is a time to campaign and a time to govern. And, part of governing is managing.

Here is an excellent article which talks about Obama's management style. It raises some valid questions.

Does Barack Obama have any idea what he is doing? This is a valid question which I think many Americans are beginning to wonder. Leave aside the left wing pukes who are only there to defend Obama no matter what he does. Other then them, is there anyone who believes this guy is successful so far.

Everyone understands the economy is in rough shape. Most even would believe that the administration is facing something unprecedented in the state of the banks. However, it seems that Obama has failed in at most of what he tried.

The stimulus package is in great question. Even if you believe massive government spending is going to salvage the economy, you will question this bill. Pelosi and Reid drafted it. Why is that? Perhaps Obama is willing to be just a figurehead as President. Therefore, this is the toughest situation that Congress ever faced since they are leading.

Perhaps the economy is too tough a situation. Okay. Let's look at something a bit easier: cabinet appointees. Every President has trouble with some of their appointees. However, they usually encounter major obstacles when the other party is holding Congress. Obama has Congress. Yet, he was tripped up on a number of occasions. In fact, he was wrong more than he was right (on the major positions). You would think that finding someone who paid their taxes would be fairly easy.

There are many who believe that Obama has not been assertive enough. I agree. However, do not think this will change. Obama's m.o. is that he is a hider. How many times did he vote present while in the Senate? Voting present is akin to saying "I dont know what to do so I will just say I was here". One does not have that luxury as President.

Can anyone ever be fully prepared for the pressure of the Presidency? Probably not. However, this guy is so ill-equipped to deal with anything that he has seen so far. Imagine if one of our "friends" in the Middle East starts misbehaving. What then? Will Obama hide underneath his desk.

It is time that Michelle (or Nancy Pelosi) gave the President his testicles back. The country needs them.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

$17 Billion Paid Off

Are we totally insane? It seems the bill is coming to the surface. General Motors is claiming that it can need as much as $30 billion in 2011. We are now to the point where this is all asinine.

It is bad enough that Obama signed into law that farce of a bill designed to stimulate the economy. The only thing that is going to be stimulated are some of the pocketbooks of those who supported those who are presently on power. Now, he is going to have to decide whether to give these morons in Detroit additional money. My hope is that he tells them to go fly a kite. However, my hunch is that he will help them out.

Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that I detested the "end around" that Bush pulled on Congress back in December. The predictions that came from most economists was that the bailout was not going to solve anything. And, it did not. Instead, 60 days (or so) later, they are back at the door with their hand out looking for more money. It is atrocious.

What needs to happen is for GM, and perhaps Chrysler, to enter into Chapter 11 and get reorganized. Many in management need to be removed in favor of others who can steer the company right. The crushing contracts with the unions and the dealers need to be renegotiated in bankruptcy court so that these companies can compete in the open market with the foreign imports.

Simply put, if Donald Trump can enter bankruptcy for a third time, General Motors can try it at least once. Enough of wasting taxpayer money on bull crap. We expect better from our leaders President Obama,

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The Right To Protect Yourself

Have you ever noticed how politicians will stand at the microphone and tell how we need to give up our guns. They want to create a state where they have total control. Taking away people's firearms is one of the primary methods to weaken the populous. It was effectively used by dictators throughout the last 200 years. Now, we are seeing it in the United States.

Of course, there is total hypocrisy with what the politicians are saying. For example, when the President stands up and says that we need more gun laws, he is doing so while surrounded by a dozen armed guards. So it is alright for him to have protection but not us.

Naturally, not every political leader has the Secret Service looking out for him or her. Sometimes that person will have to take matters into his or her own hands. This is a free exercising of the Constitutional rights afforded each citizen. Kirsten Gillibrand is a Senator in New York. She is also one who owns shotguns as a means of protection. This last week she had to move the guns because their location was leaked to the press. I applaud the Senator for using her rights to protect her family. (here is the article)

Now, you can guess what is coming. The Senator is facing a challenge for her seat from one who wants more gun control. There is a faction of the population that wants to remove all the guns from every law abiding citizen. The claim they are taking it out of the hands of criminals but that is not the case. A criminal, by the very definition, does not abide by laws. That is why he or she is a criminal. Buying a gun requires no license, waiting period, or anything else when you are doing it on a street corner. Cash is the only proof one needs.

Yet, this point seems to be overlooked by the anti-gun lobby. They are so foolish. Another of their arguments is that it protects the children. Let me ask you, how many children are killed each year by guns? I dont know the exact number but I recall reading a stat a few years ago that mention it was a couple hundred. Do you know how many people are killed by automobiles each years? I know the answer to this: it is around 40,000. Perhaps we should outlaw cars.

Here is the bottom line. Gun ownership is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. That means one does not have to earn it or qualify for it. It is inherently given to that person. This is no different than the right to vote. That is given to every adult in the United States simply because he or she is a citizen. We get our rights by default. Now, they can be removed if we are convicted of a crime. But short of that, every adult has the right to bear a firearm.

This is just another example where the rights of ordinary citizens are being trampled upon in the name of protect. Society seems so concerned with the "greater good" that it is destroying the very principles it was founded on.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

States Going Broke

Which state is going broke the quickest? If you guessed California you are wrong (although that is a good guess). It is Kansas. The facts are being revealed that the state is in jeopardy of not being able to make payroll in the next week. Presently, there is not enough money in the state's bank to cover the payroll due the state employees. To my knowledge, this is the first state in this predicament.

How did we get to this point? What happened to all the tax dollars the state collected from the citizens who reside in Kansas? I will tell you what happened: the politicians in charge of the money spent it recklessly. We are seeing this same situation all across the country. California. New York. Massachusetts. And Kansas. Politicians spend money like there is no end to it. Yet, when it runs out, they are surprised.

Of course, this could be part of the reason for the massive spending bill (sorry but to call it stimulus would be lying to my readers). It contained "bailouts" for the states which blew the budgets to all hell. Personally, I think those in power ought to be forced to resign before one dime is given to them. It seems that the Feds have no problem pushing their will on the companies on Wall Street. Why dont they take the same approach with the different states? Because they are all in the hopper together.

Corruption is corruption. We are faced with an economic crisis because of reckless actions on the part of many. Now, we are seeing how the actions of the state representation was just as corrupt. Many lost their jobs on Wall Street. I think it is time some of these governors and state representatives of the states who are broke need to suffer some also. It is time to call for their immediate resignation.

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The government feels it is all theirs

Have you noticed that the American government feels that everything is theirs? This was the mindset when we started as a country and it has not changed. If you remember back in the 1700s and 1800s, the government "sold off" non-settled land. By default, since the property was never titled, it was owned by the government of the United States. This entity feels it is entitled to make money off anything that it chooses.

What is the present day land sale? Well, we know it as the Internet. It is the new frontier of expansion. And, just like a couple hundred years ago, the government feels entitled to profit from this medium. Politicians who spend like drunken sailors simply cannot keep their greedy hands off things. Anything that they can gain tax revenue on is fair game.

Unfortunately, this mindset is not only at the Federal level. The states now believe they have the same rights. The idea of sales tax being charged on purchases over the Internet have been circling for years. It seems we are getting closer to that ultimate end.

Here is an article detailing what the governor of New York is proposing.

This is another instance where the lack of financial discipline created a deficit. New York is one of the worst states for this along with California. Their tax rates are already astronomical since the legislature cannot control its spending. Now, it wants to tax the Internet as a means of raising more money. This will lead to a domino-effect where all states follow suit. It is only a matter of time.

The states are already being "rewarded" by Obama's joke of a stimulus package. Politicians at the state level were recklessly spending for years. Now, instead of enjoying the "fruits" of their labor, they are being bailed out by the rest of us. This angers me. It is completely a case of taxation without representation. The fact that my tax dollars are going to an elected official whom I did not have a chance to vote for is unconstitutional. If the governor of a state cannot pay the bills, let that state deal with him or her. It is not my business. I have the leaders in my own state to monitor.

Once again, we are seeing another step in the eroding of our freedoms. There will come a time when the people stand up and say "enough". The further this goes, the quicker that time will come.

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The Government Misleading?

It is the general viewpoint of The Revolution that the people in the government are liars and part of their agenda is to mislead the American people. To accomplish this end, fear is the primary weapon used to gain our consensus. We saw this with Bush after 9/11 and we are seeing it now with Obama. Each used the present circumstances to negotiate absurd agreements which otherwise would have been shot down. The $800 billion behemoth that just went through Congress is a prime example.

Nevertheless, it seems President Obama is taking the fear mongering to a new level. He did it during the campaign and now he is really doing it in his administration. Talking about how bad things are going to get is his favorite pastime. Nothing positive ever comes out of his mouth.

I came across an excellent article which lays out this claim.

By the way, according to most sensible people, the idea of spending your way out of a financial crisis only leads to a worse situation. The government's answer is akin to you personally being in rough financial shape and taking out a loan to redo you bathroom. It simply doesn't make sense.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bailout or Bankruptcy

Do you remember what I called "the end around" that George Bush pulled on Congress in December when he bailed out the automobile manuafacturers to the tune of $17 billion?"  Well, it seems the money didnt not fix anything at all.  Now, General Motors is giving the Obama administration an ultimatum: give us money or we will file bankruptcy.

To me, this seems like an easy one for Obama.  After the rough couple of weeks he had, he needs a soft one.  His decision ought to be left the company file bankruptcy and work it out there.  The government need not mess with this situation.  Jobs in that industry were already lost due to the slowdown over the past few years.  Some more might be lost but in the long run, more will be created.

The automobile manufacturers have nobody to blame but themselves for the mess they face.  A systemic failure is not possible like with the banking industry.  Someone will built cars for us.  It might be Ford, Chrysler, or Toyota.  There are plants in this country, just some are located outside of Detroit.  Unions are partially responsible for their plight.  Yet, management missed the total shift in consumer demand.  Let them float downstream together.

Is this what Obama is going to do?  Of course not.  He is on his knees beholden to the unions.  He already signed 4 executive orders which were extremely union friendly.  Now, he is going to give them billions more to prevent the unions from losing their power.  Dont worry.  When you blast through almost $800 billion without a single person in Congress reading the bill, what is another few billion.  

If Obama goes this route, it will be just another sign of what a terrible administration this is going to be.  He is showing that he is a pansy when it comes to leadership and intent on creating a nanny state where all Americans are weak.  Dependence upon the corrupt government, that is Obama's goal.  

He must be stopped.

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What else are they wrong about

We just witnessed the largest spending bill in the history of the United States Government slammed through Congress with such speed that nobody voting for it was able to read the bill in it's entirety. They did this because the "crisis" is elevated to such a high level that speed is key. If you believe that horse crap I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Nevertheless, this got me thinking about the global warming debate which I have been researching for the past 3-4 months. It seems the proponents of this agenda have the same warnings: the time to act is now. Delaying will mean the end of the world. Therefore, they are in the process of trying to push through billions (if not trillions) of dollars in legislation for something that is becoming evident does not exist.

I wish I could take credit for this entire revelation. However, I cannot. This idea was presented over 10 years ago by someone who saw through the rhetoric and faulty science. Here is an article summarizing his viewpoint.

This article makes a lot of sense to me. I never bought the argument that the "consensus is in". I know getting scientists to agree on anything is impossible. There is always division. They are like economists. Even with this massive spending bill which will lead to inflation, there are still some economists who believe it will not. Therefore, how can Al Gore claim that all scientists are on board? Only by lying through his teeth.

Global warming is nothing more than a tool used to ultimately redistribute wealth. That is the grand plan of those behind this movement. Of course, the average moron holding a protest against a coal company does not know this. Learning about what they stand for is beyond the means of most people. Instead, it is easier to get on the bandwagon of whatever the media is promoting.

The truth is that there is no evidence to support man-made global warming. Also, it is becoming clear that perhaps global warming itself does not exist. While there were a number of decades where the planet did warm, we have seen none of that since 1998. If anything, the planet has cooled slightly since that time.

Where does that leave our global warming crowd? Out in the cold. The facts are being revealed every time there is another snowfall in Seattle. Those who propose massive expenditures to prevent the end of the world because of global warming are in the tank. They are either lying or badly misinformed. The evidence does not support their claims. And, all those who offer evidence supporting this myth are being shown to be on the payroll. In other words, their livelihood is dependent upon the research dollars. This taints their opinions.

This leads me to wonder what else are our leaders wrong about? They totally screwed up our future financial situation with this joke of a stimulus bill. If they are lying to us about the severity of this global warming myth, perhaps the economic situation is not so catastrophic. Once again, the politicians in this country are abusing their power.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

These are our servants

We send our leaders to Washington to do our work. These are our elected officials. Yet, they repeatedly want to keep us in the dark about things. The events of the last 24 hours is no exception.

The United States Congress is embarking on the largest spending package in the history of this fine country. President Obama's "stimulus" bill is totaling almost $800 billion while taking up 1,100 pages. The negotiations between the House and Senate ended late last night.

Now, the House already passed the bill. As I write these words, the Senate is taking this bill to vote with passage expected. The historic event is going to occur within the next few hours.

Here is the million dollar question: Who can read 1,100 pages in 18 hours? How many of the Congress people and Senators read the contents of which they are voting? The answer seems to be none.

Here is a video of one Congressman protesting this very point.

How can these people vote for a bill without knowing the content? Simply, because they are corrupt politicians only concerned about their pet projects. Arlen Spector got his $6+ billion from the bill in exchange for his vote. According to reports, Nancy Pelosi got her $30 million for research of mice. And the list continues.

This is just another example of the corruption of the present political system. We are witnessing the largest increase in government spending for nothing. Under the guise of stimulus, the American people were duped into agreeing to political paybacks. This is corruption at it's finest.

We need to write down the name of every person who voted for this bill and remove them from office. The 2010 elections ought to see the removal of every single Democratic House member. This is what that criminals deserve.

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Just keep Their Mouth Shut

Each time one of the morons in our government opens their mouth, the stock market tanks. It is amazing to watch. I am starting to believe the way to make money in this environment is to see the speech schedule of Obama and Geithner and short the Dow 10 minutes before they speak. It is looking like a good theory.

Today, the market was up slightly before Obama addressed a business leader's group. However, within an hour of him speaking, the market shifted to a 40 point loss. This was a nice turnaround for a market that is seeking it's legs. Once again, the trend continues.

Many economists wrote how the economy will fare better if Congress did nothing. Well, I am believing we all would be better off if this egotistical blowholes (and Obama is the biggest) would just shut the hell up. They have nothing good to say. Obama is talking down the economy like no President in history. And, do be a fool by believing the rhetoric that he is being realistic. Please. He is working on his renomination in 4 years.

Obama and the others in Congress prove themselves only to be interested in preserving their power. They have no interest in doing what is right for the present and future generations of Americans. Perhaps we need to instill capital punishment for our leaders. The world would be better off without them.

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Tax Cheats Haven

If you are a tax cheat, where do you go? Conventional wisdom would say to prison aka Leona Helmsley. However, it now seems that if you cheat on your taxes, you get nominated to the Cabinet or put in charge of powerful committees in Congress. The corruption that we are now witnessing is astounding. And, we have a President who stands by while saying nothing.

Charles Rangel got nailed for not reporting $75,000 in income; he is in charge of the committee that writes the tax code. Tim Geitner, one of our favorites, is in charge of the IRS. His tax situation is well documented. Tom Daschle failed to pay $140,000 in taxes from a free limo provided to him; this derailed his nomination for secretary of health and human services. Nancy Killefer "forgot" to pay taxes on domestic help. And then there is the husband of Hilda Solis, labor secretary nominee. Her husband had several tax liens filed against him.

This is quite a list. Obama could make an impression on the American people by decrying their actions the same way he has hammered the crooks on Wall Street. Yet, the President chooses to stand by these people. He issued statements telling how people make mistakes and they were corrected. This is horrific. Obama is supporting those who are cheating the system. All credibility that he gained during the election is rapidly dimishing.

Mark my words; this will go down as one of the worst, corrupt administrations ever. It will make all the Clinton instances look mild. We already have tax cheats occupying powerful positions. Obama is intent upon spending massive amounts of money for pet projects even though he declares there is no pork in the stimulus package. This shows how blind he really is.

Obama promised change we can believe in. Well, the only difference is that we have a President who is half black (no he is not 100% black-so get off it). He is showing how he is willing to overlook the lies and corruption under his nose. Obama is not only unprepared to occupy the position he is in, he is also a total farce. But at least he talks a good game.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Government Is The Problem

Yesterday I wrote how it was the decisions of FDR that prolonged the Great Depression. Before his idea of "stimulus" we suffered through two severe, but short, recessions. These two periods were survived without the government interfering.

Now, we see the passing of the biggest government spending bill in history. Today, the Congress shaved $100 billion off (like we are impressed) to have a spectacular $700+ billion bill. This is totally ridiculous.

We are in a economic situation that was caused by the government. Every aspect of this "crisis" sees the government's hand in it. The bank lending crisis was started by Congress mandating that banks loan to unqualified lower income people. This started the entire subprime bubble which burst a couple of years ago.

Freddie and Fannie are quasi-government entities. Over the past few years, banks were pressured into "investing" in these organizations which caused them to be left with huge losses on their books. At the same time, the Fed, Treasury, and SEC operated with no oversight. Basically, they were asleep at the wheel.

Now, we are to believe these same people can get us out of this. Barney Frank is still in Congress. The same is true for Christopher Dodd in the Senate. Barack Obama was a Senator while all this went down. So was John McCain. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid still occupy the same offices they did over the past few years. As you can see, most of the players are still the same.

The government is solving this existing "crisis" by creating another one. There is a thing called inflation which is created when the government incurs massive deficits. Another interesting twist is that the larger the deficits, the worse the inflation. Jimmy Carter experienced this during his administration. Presently, we are seeing $1 trillion worth of deficits authorized by Congress. That means we are going to feel the effects of hyperinflation over the next few years. Prices will rise so quickly when the economy turns that it will make people's head spin.

Who will the government (and the media) blame then? I am sure they will find someone. The truth is they will never own up to the fact that they created the entire situation. Government is not the solution, it is the problem. Unfortunately, we have a President who believes that government is the answer. To me, this says that we will have big problems in the future.

Welcome to anarchy 2009.

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This woman is a piece of...

I purposely withheld writing about this situation until the facts were revealed. Many jumped on the bandwagon on both sides early on. However, now I believe enough facts are out there to draw a conclusion about this woman. And, in my opinion, she is a piece of crap.

Who am I referring to? Why the infamous mother of the Suleman octuplets of course. You all know this story. A woman on welfare who already has 6 children goes in for fertility treatment and has 8 more. Of course, everyone is wondering who financially fund this woman's decision?

We now have the answer to that question. And, is anyone surprised to find out that it is the taxpayers of California who are already footing the bill. According to an AP article, the state is already covering the costs of the hospitalization for the premature children. They also will most likely have to pick up other forms of supports such as food stamps and other forms of welfare.

If you will recall, California is the state that is presently facing a $40+ billion deficit. The state is a total mess. Fortunately for them, the state is not responsible for creating this situation. Unfortunately for them, they will be stuck footing the bill.

Where does this insanity stop? I might be somewhat sympathetic if the woman got pregnant with her husband (or significant other) and was surprised to find out that she was carrying so many babies. That is not what happened here. This woman, who was unable to provide financially for her existing children, made a choice to have so many more children. This is reprehensible in my opinion.

Something needs to be done about it. Sadly, nothing will come of it. The state will end up paying for the children through all kinds of public assistance. That is why California is broke. The liberal government gave handouts to everyone who asked. Nothing is overlooked in California. Hell, you dont even need to be a citizen to get assistance. So I feel little sympathy for that wacky state.

Nonetheless, this situation could be solved easily. The 8 children who were just born are taken from the mother. She has proven her inability to be able to provide for them. The state, since they are going to have to pay for them, removes the children and tries to find other homes for them. This will send a mandate to those in the state that if you have more children, you will not get more money. It should send the notice that this bull crap is going to end. If the bleeding hearts in Hollywood have an issue with that, let them open their wallets and pay for the babies. Perhaps move all 8 of them in with Sean Penn. He can afford to support them.

This situation strikes at the core of the mindset which got this country into such a tragic state. Our politicians lead the way by placing the blame on everyone else. Personal responsibility is absent. We are quickly becoming a nanny state. Mark my words, this will all blow up here shortly.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Should the government even be doing bailouts?

This was the question that Dr. Robert Higgs of the California based Independent Institute wrote. In an article, he accurately portrayed how the Founding Fathers intended the federal government to be limited in scope. He challenged anyone to find where the Feds are authorized by the Constitution to fund "global warming research, urban mass transit, food stamps, unemployment insurance, Medicaid or countless other items". Obviously, there is nothing in the Constitution that remotely resembles this authority.

So where did it all come from? As you can guess, a lot of it transpired during the Great Depression. FDR is the greatest abuser of power in the history of the American Presidency. Like Obama is trying to do, he used a catastrophe to expand his power base. He even went so far as to try to intimidate the Supreme Court into siding with him. And, this is the person who's model we are now following.

Why do I bring all this up? Simply, because the decisions of the Obama administration are going to put us into another Great Depression. History is now showing that FDR's policies actually made things worse. Stimulus was something that he started and it prolonged the Great Depression. Every recession before it was quickly reversed because the government did not get involved. In 1893, there was a depression which was turned without stimulus. Also, 1920-21 had a major recession which quickly reversed itself. Again, there was no stimulus.

So, what do our fearless leaders in Washington do? Pass a spending bill that will eventually cause high inflation and will do little to fix the economic problem. The best course of action when it comes to government is no action.

(If you want to read this article it was found in the Feb. 10, 2009 edition of Investor's Business Daily)

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The Treasury Plan

It is becoming more obvious this administration is looking to destroy all it can when it comes to private business. Today, in addition to a stimulus package that most agree won't do anything, the Treasury Chief made his long awaited announcement regarding the financial markets. This was met with a swift 400 point decline. It seems the market is not keen on what the administration is doing.

Read the article here.

If they are going to screw things up so much when they open their mouths, why don't they just learn to keep them shut. Giether managed to say nothing to put the markets at peace. Obviously, his lack of clarity only compounded the issue. Look at the bank stocks: they were decimated. This is just another case of government intrusion screwing things up.

I know: all the liberals will say that it was the "big, bad rich people" who were hurt. You know the type we are referring to: the ones the press calls "Wall Street". Well, I am here to tell you that is not the case. Obama is harming the very people he is pretending to care about. Most of America has investments of some kind. When the market gets slammed to the tune of 400 points, it is all those with 401K and IRA that are harmed. Also, the people who invest on their own, with the thousands of dollars are the ones ill-equipped to sustain a downturn of this nature. Warren Buffet might lose huge numbers, but he still has $40 billion left to play with. Most do not.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the people in charge have no idea how to get us out of this crisis. Everything they are doing to fix the system is only creating a bigger mess. It it time for the government to step out of the way.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Unions are having an orgasm

President Obama is the unions wet dream.  He is giving them everything that they want.  Of course, this comes as no surprise.  His socialistic outlook is going to drive the economy deep into a recession that will take 6-10 years to get out of.  Any recovery that might take place will be hindered because of massive inflation due to government spending.  For those who want to argue this point, get your head out of your ass.  Economics 101 teaches us that rapid increase in the money supply will inevitably lead to greater inflation.  This is the reality that we are now living in.

Neverthless, back to the point.  Obama is in office for almost three weeks now and he signed his 4th union friendly executive order.  He decided that jobs funded with our tax dollars need to be done by union personnel.  This is now the rule regardless of what it does to the cost of the project.  According to estimates, projects with union labor are increased by 20%-30%.  Now, that is change we can believe in.

What is ironic is that it received almost no press coverage.  Well, for the avid followers of this site, here is it.  

And for those morons who want to accuse me of picking on Obama, look at who reported it: CBS. They are not exactly a right-wing bomb throwing organization.

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Does this guy vote?

I have no idea if this person is a registered voter, but it shows the mentality of some Americans. One of my favorite comedians is Ron White.  He has a show called "You cant fix stupid".  This applies precisely in this situation.  This person ought not be allowed to drive, vote, or own power tools.  He is too stupid to do any of those things.

Read this story.

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Is This Still America?

Illegals are taking over. Have you heard this one? An American is being sued by a group of illegal aliens who claim that he violated their rights while they were crossing his property. It seems that he captured the trespassers at gunpoint to turn over to the border patrol. (read story here)

An American citizen is being sued by a bunch of illegals.  This is ridiculous.  How can that happen? We are now seeing what happens when you allow the fruitloops and bleeding hearts to run the country.  The welfare of people who are not citizens is more important than those who live here. This is something that has to stop.

In every border town across the nation we see crime rates, especially violent crimes, escalating at an incredible pace.  And, yet, the government sits by and watches are rapes, murders, robberies, and assaults take place.  I will tell you this is laying the foundation for the revolution. People cannot stand by and allow this to happen.

My advice to Mr. Barnett and those like him protecting their land: the next time, shoot them all and let God sort them out.  Dead people cant sue.

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Government Healthcare

As if the government has screwed up education and other things it is involved in enough, now we are heading for a time when there is going to be government healthcare. Obama, showing his true socialistic colors, is pushing ahead with this initiative. And, sad to say, many American support them. The truth is that most Americans are too foolish to realize what they are getting themselves into.

The simple fact is that no country offers unlimited health resources. There is always a limit as to how much can be spend. Look at those on welfare. They are only given a certain amount to spend on food or housing. Those amounts cannot be exceeded. Another example is education. Look at all the teachers who have to buy their own supplies because the school districts have no money. And now we are getting into heathcare.

Canada is probably the closest to the United States in terms of wealth that has socialized medicine. For those who were not paying attention, the Canadians are known for coming to the U.S. to pay for procedures that are either free in their country or not available. This is common knowledge to most who read more than the NY Times. However, here is an article that describes what America is going to face with rationalized medicine.

Notice how the government made decisions about the health of these particular individuals. The choices of the doctors were ignored. This is how rationalized medicine works. Those who are deemed "unworthy" of the treatment are rejected. )How would you like to be the guy with the brain tumor? I bet he feels worthy of that surgery.)

America really needs to wake up and quickly. The left is hijacking this country. Of course, the ones they pretend to be "harming", the rich, will get around anything the government sets down. It is those who believe the government will help them that ended up getting screwed. Just ask people living in public housing in most major cities how they like their neighborhood. Simply, the government failed them.

Mark my words, the Obama Presidency is going to end up asa one of the worst on record. They are going to mess things up so bad that it will take generations to recover.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Politics As Usual

Obama claimed to bring "change you can believe in". That was a welcomed relief to those of us who are tired of a corrupt, inefficient government that we suffered through the last few decades (at a minimum). However, it turns out that he was lying when he said that. His actions denote that it is politics as usual.

First, we suffered through the stimulus debacle which turned into a major spending spree by one political party. Of course, those in charged accused Republicans of playing politics. Get real on this one. The Republicans barely have enough power to change the toilet paper in the men's room at this point. They are so disorganized that the Democrats ought to easily be able to get a few of them to convert on most any bill. Yet, the politically biased bill that Pelosi put forth couldn't do that. She showed her disinterest in leading and only cares about appeasing the lobbyists.

Now, we have the Obama administration trying to hijack control of the census. This is change since it something that never occurred. In the past, the census was under the jurisdiction of the Commerce Department. If Obama has his way, it will be controlled by Rahm Emanuel (read story here). It seems we cannot even believe in a fair census with the present corruption in Washington.

We are rapidly seeing our liberties stripped away from us. The Bush administration used 9/11 into scaring us into approving his corrupt policies. Obama is using the economic crisis in the same way. In the end, we the people are the ones who are screwed. Every action in this manner brings us to a time when there will be a backlash. The Revolution is coming. Be prepared.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Ones Really In Control

America was established by the Founding Fathers as a country "by the people and for the people". Here we sit 200+ years later realizing that idea is dead. The United States of America is a country by the lobbyists and for the lobbyists. They are the ones who wield the power, not the people. The recent stimulus/spending package proves that.

According to reports on the newswires, there are enough votes to pass the bill in the Senate. The total amount is still be discussed but it is believed to be between $780-$820 billion. This is a considerable sum. However, according to pollsters like Rasmussen, the majority of Americans have reservations about this bill. Most do not believe that it will stimulate anything. Instead, it appears to be simply a massive spending project to appease the far left contributors.

Many are going to take exception at that last statement. Tough. It is the truth. Economists estimate there is somewhere between 9%-15% of stimulus in this package. The rest is pork. Nancy Pelosi wrote up a bill to appease her allies (lobbyists). Who is going to benefit? Liberal states that drove their budgets into the ground with their reckless spending and teachers unions camouflaged as education spending are prime candidates. Now, do't get me wrong. If the Republicans were in control it would be the NRA, pro-life groups, and the religious right. Either way, it screws the American people.

Once again, the government used a crisis to steamroll the people. This was what happened after 9/11. We were told it was for the sake of safety and in an effort to combat terrorism. Now, it is to prevent complete economic collapse. The truth is that neither situation was as dire as it was advertised. Things are tough but we will get through it. However, now we have another $800 billion debt to pay back.

One final note on this point: the Congressional Budget Office even said this was most a pork package, containing little stimulus. This is the accounting arm of the United States Congress which the politicians ignored. If they will not even listen to their own Budget Office, who will they listen to? The answer: LOBBYISTS.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

$780 Billion

The "stimulus" package appears to pass the Senate.  We now have a price tag that is less than what passed the House.  However, it is something that will do nothing to stimulate the economy.  This is the viewpoint of most economists.  Instead, we have a massive spending bill which will do nothing but tie future generations to more debt.  Welcome to America.

I, for one, am happy this passed.  It shows how corrupt our government is.  Personally, I think everyone who voted for that House bill ought to be voted out of office in 2010.  They simply do not deserve to be in office since they do nothing to look after the interests of the American people.  Rather, they are there serving their lobbyists and giving paybacks to those who got them elected.

The bottom line is that the government once again is screwing the American people.  This is absolutely ridiculous.  Obama is showing himself to be a shameful partisan who is no different from the rest.  "Change you can believe in" is a total joke.  Obama is showing himself to be right out of the Nancy Pelosi communist model.  And, he proves that he has no backbone when it comes to standing up for the people.  This President is going to preside over one of the worst administrations in recent memory.  Mark my words, it will take us decades to fix what these dimwits are screwing up.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This is the model we are following?

The present United States leadership is intent upon moving us towards a European style of government. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of healthcare. This is the one area that we are almost guaranteed to see the Federal Government take over. The fact that Tom Daschle had to drop his cabinet bid will only delay what is Obama's plan: the full nationalization of the heathcare system.

Opponents of this style of coverage have long pointed to the inefficiencies in countries with that style of healthcare. The fact that Canadians often choose to pay out of their pockets to have expensive operations done in the U.S. as opposed to the free ones at home ought to tell us something. These people would not make this choice if the free healthcare was adequate.

Before we just headfirst into this argument, it is crucial to remember that the government is the organization which allows about 1/3 of Medicaid expenditures to be fraudulent. If it would just eliminate the fraud, we would see a 33% increase in effectiveness. Of course, that will not happen.

Anyway, back to the initial point. Socialized healthcare is full of abuse and inefficiency. For those who want to "sell" us on the wonders of this plan, I think they ought to read what really happens in countries with socialized medicine. Here is an article out of wikipedia that I am sure you will find very interesting. It details so of the issues they have in England with this concept.

Well, this is what we have to look forward to. Perhaps Americans will start taking their chances with the medical practitioners in Mexico.

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It was a mistake

As all of you know, I am not a fan of Nancy Pelosi. However, I distaste all the negative hatchet jobs against anyone that arent warranted. Especially when it comes to Madam Speaker since I believe their is so much to attack her for.

Here is a video circulating the Internet.

Here is a clue for all of you who want to promote this: IT WAS A MISTAKE!!!

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Free Is Never Free

Especially when the government is involved. I wrote a number of times on here how the government, specifically, the leadership wants to take this country to the left. It seems that they want a model that is similar to England.

Now, we have a report out of there of how Free education actually costs the average citizen money. Read this article to see the heist in education across the pond.

And people think that the same thing will not happen here. The bottom line is that there are only so many ways to break up a dollar (or a pound or euro). Ultimately, goods and services need to be paid for.

And we want these same fruitloops running our healthcare?

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The Government Is Going To Solve The Economy?

Anyone who believes this is a total fool. The next few years will truly show how inept the government is. Remember, this is an organization that screws up basically everything that it gets involved in. Congress, in particular, is especially at fault.

It is bad enough that a close to $1 trillion spending package passed the House which most economists agree will do little to stimulate the economy. This seems to be something that the government is not able to do. However, stifling the economy is something it excels at. Over the next few years, we are going to see so much insane regulation that cripples an already awful situation.

Here is just a taste of some of what is going to happen. Read this article about how a new manufacturing law is going to hurt small business manufacturers. This is exactly what is needed when the economy is tanking.

One final thought: notice how there is total confusion among those who are in charge of implementing this law. Once again, total chaos because the government is involved.

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G-Men Dont Get It

I am not quoting Chris Berman of ESPN in referring to the "New York Football Giants". G-Man refers to those people who are employed, thus think like, government cronies. The bailouts of every industry is creating a clash of the private sector versus the public.

At the core of this mess is AIG. So far, it is one of the largest recipients of money from the government. Presently, they are fighting a conflict of trying to do business while appeasing the cronies in the government. The way I see it, this is an impossible task.

I just came across an article that emphasizes this point. Here are a couple of paragraphs from that story which show the point.

In recent months, scores of AIG veterans have departed for jobs at competitors around the world. Companies such as Ace Limited and Zurich Financial Services have snatched up AIG executives with increasing regularity. Other companies, such as New York-based Allianz Aviation Managers, continue to receive resumes from employees at AIG.

“In a climate where daily we hear about people in the financial sector being laid off, you mean to tell me we can’t find folks to replace some of these people?” said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), a vocal critic of the retention pay program. “The other question is, where are they going to go?”

The story outline how many AIG people left and went to competitors. Even the CEO of Zurich acknowledged the hiring of AIG employees. Yet, Congressman Cummings shows his ignorance when it comes to private business. He asks "where are they going to go?". The answer is to Zurich obviously.

Here is a situation where a G-Man has no clue what is happening. This is not an abstract idea that leaders at AIG are trying to promote. They are not saying that key people could leave or might leave. They are already leaving. If they are to pull out of this free fall, they are going to need top people to do it. That is the only way that the taxpayers will get their money back.

Once again, the government employed assault tactics with no plan. We heard about this for the past 7 years regarding Iraq. Bush (and his people) had a great plan for getting rid of Sadam. However, they had no idea what to do once he was gone. The Treasury had a plan to save AIG without a plan how to manage it once they got it.

People like Congressman Cummings have no clue what drives success in the private sector. Corporations are made up of people. The human commodity is the most valuable resource a company has. Lose key people and an entire organization can be dragged down. Many are wondering where Apple will be without Steve Jobs. He is the major asset that drove that entity.

The government made an "investment" in AIG. Yet, because of politics from people who have no clue about succeeding in the private sector, we are seeing a diminishing of the chances of ever seeing a return. The government is known for mediocrity. Any talent in the financial arena is going to shy away from AIG if this trend continues. I only hope the G-Men get their noses out of it and let the people in charge take the actions to return to profitability.

And this is a preclude to how badly they will mess up healthcare.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Nobody's Perfect

Are you kidding me?  This was the response by press secretary Robert Gibbs about the tax cheat Tom Daschle.  Obama is standing firmly behind his choice of this cabinet nominee.  Once again, the corruption shows throught.

Obama promised change.  For 8 years, there were charges levied about how corrupt the Republicans were while they were in charge.  Obviously, guys like Ted Stevens proved this point. Now that the Democrats are in charge, they are proving they are just as corrupt.

The bottom line is that Tom Daschle should not be in the Obama administration.  He is someone who tried to defraud the government.  We elect our leaders not only to guide the country, but also to set an example of what is proper behavior.  The fact that Obama has not backed away from this choice once the facts came to light shows that he is tolerant of lies and corruption.  Well, he is part of the Chicago political machine so that is part of the way business is done.

It is apparent that our political leaders believes that personal responsibility is not a value to have.  Obviously, when one claims to "forget" to pay taxes on over $250,000 income that this quality is not held in high regard.  It is more important to place the blame elsewhere instead of owning up to what is actually true.  This is the message being administered by the Obama cronies.  And this is "change?

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another day...

The nice part about the nomination process for cabinet positions is that we get to see how corrupt the powerful truly are.  It is something that we all know about.  Yet, the process that nominees go through, especially Cabinet members, unearths a host of activities which were covered up.  This go around is no different.  Now, we have the Tom Daschle revealing that he did not pay all his taxes.

This is the second go around for Obama in dealing with tax cheats.  He had this issue with his Treasury secretary.  For whatever reason, these guys seem to think they are exempt from the rules the rest of us operate under.  That is the mindset of the powerful.

When Geithner owned up to cheating the government, everyone jumped to his aid saying it was a mistake.  Are they going to do the same thing for Daschle?  According to this report, Daschle paid $140,000 in back taxes.  Is anyone going to claim this was an error in bookkeeping?  I can see $50 being considered a mistake, but $140,000 is not. 

The truth of the matter is that Daschle tried to get away with cheating the government.  This is something that I can't blame him for since I know they are only going to waste the money.  Yet Daschle is one of those who feels the government is better to run our lives then we are.  Also, he got caught.  If you are going to try to cheat on your taxes, you deal with the consequences when you are caught.  The fact that he showed himself to be unrustworthy should shoot down his nomination for office.  He is not qualified.

Corruption is something that is spread throughout our government.  These people are not fit to be our leaders.  They do not represent the vast majority of people.  For whatever reason, there is a mindset which tells these people that they are exempt for the same laws that we operate under.  Ted Stavens is a prime example.  He is going to jail (or should be) for taking what amounts to payoffs.  The same with the Governor of Illinois.  Both situations, while extreme, reveal the basic mindset of the corrupt.  They feel they are above the law.

And to Mr. Daschle I say, "better luck next time".  You do not belong in public service since you are an umntrustworthy liar.  Go screw someone else over.  Leave the American people alone.

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