Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama and Notre Dame

There is now some controversy over Obama making a visit to Notre Dame. As everyone is aware, Obama has some views that shake the foundation of the Church. His reversal of the stem cell research strikes at the core of this faith as does Obama's support of abortion. Obviously, he is one who doesn't agree with the beliefs of the Catholic Church.

That being said, he is still the sitting President. There is a tradition that the Presidents are invited to speak at Notre Dame. It is something that is now being carried forward by the institution even though Obama has views in opposition to them. They are simply adhering to an established tradition.

Yet some seem to have their panties in a wringer over it. I can understand being opposed to someone who is in direct opposition to your deeply held views. It is your right to voice that opinion. However, get over the fact that he is speaking at Notre Dame. His being there is not a sign that the Church is condoning his beliefs. Nor are they abandoning theirs. Catholicism will remain the same whether Obama is there or not.

I only hope those who are inside the hall there show the President the proper respect. You might not like/respect Obama, but do respect the office. Give him a chance to make his speech uninterrupted. If people want to protest, let them do it outside. That is the proper forum for that.

Sometimes we forget that the Office does deserve out esteem. Even if Obama is the worst President in the history of the country, he is one of only a few men ever to hold that office. And, it is the highest office we have in our land. For that, it deserves our respect even if the man doesnt. Hoping Notre Dame is listening.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Death Threats

I thought the government was designed to protect the people. Well, welcome to life in this era. This is another part of the original thoughts that went by the wayside. Now, the government, specifically Congress, are putting people in harm's way. It is sad when private citizens are placed at peril by the Feds.

I am obviously referring to the AIG debacle. This story gets crazier by the day. We come to find out that many of those who received bonuses got death threats. To me, this is absurd. It will be interesting to see if the government atones for their screwups by prosecuting these people.

First, it is crucial to realize that those who received the bonuses are law abiding citizens. They had signed contracts which stipulated payments for their services rendered. They were the ones who were looked to in an effort to try to salvage what they could of AIG.

Secondly, they were not the people who caused the collapse. The ones responsible for that mess left over a year ago. People are taking it out on the wrong people.

Then Congress comes up with the idea to tax these people at 90% in an effort to get the money back. This is the equivalent to modern day piracy. All these members of Congress who signed on to this ridiculous idea ought to be tried and convicted. Their actions are outrageous.

Of course, Congress claims they wanted to get the money back for the taxpayers, like it is their money. What a farce. The politicians put people lives at risk for political gain. And have you heard even one apology. Nancy Pelosi ought to call each AIG bonus recipient and personally ask their forgiveness for being such a stupid ass. So should Chuck Shumer. Barney Frank. And the ever corrupt Chris Dodd. These people should be ashamed of their behavior.

Congress is showing how much they can screw things up when the government is involved. There is nothing they touch which they cannot turn into total crap. Lovers of big government show how truly ignorant they really are. Government excels at corruption and inefficiency. This is what they do best.

When private citizens are receiving death as a result of the actions of people in Congress, something needs to be done. Bet the ranch the FBI would be investing if one of the members of Congress received a death threat. Of course, to demand equal justice is absurd. The powerful only protect themselves.

Maybe people will wake up to the fact that these people in Washington need to be thrown out of office. The revolution is nearing.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Government Running A Business

What is the business that the government operates which is a total mess? While you can point to Amtrak, I am referring to the United States Post Office. Many will claim this entity is separate from the Federal Government. Do not buy it. This is as government as it gets.

Did you notice the head of the Post Office was in front of Congress begging for money? It seems this entity, which has a monopoly on private letters, is running out of money. Without help from Congress they will have to stop paying some of their bills. Well, maybe we should let the Post Office fail?

Here is the article spelling out the details.

Of course, this is another entity which is in trouble with a unionized workforce. The Postal Inspectors Union is being offered early retirement. My question is how about layoffs? Oh, that cannot be done when there is a union involved. Therefore, this entity will not be profitable since it cannot reduce it's labor expense. Once again the unions strike.

We are seeing the spreading of this mentality with the Obama administration. Everyone will be on Capitol Hill asking for money. The ones leading the charge are the unionized workforces trying to get more money for inferior work. Actually, the postal workers are one of the few who truly earn their money. Yet, we have the teacher unions screwing up our schools while passing a bunch of morons. The UAW and the Teamsters do even warrant a rant. Their influence is highly noted in companies such as GM.

When will America wake up. Obama is taking this country to a point where it might not recover. To be honest, that doesn't really bother me. We might need to blow this entire thing up and start anew. The average person is so clueless it simply astounds me. Well, they will be the ones slaughtered like sheep.

Let the revolution begin.

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The AIG Hoopla

This is what happens when you let government get involved with anything. They mess it up. People end up playing politics with people's lives. The truth is that government is the most corrupt, inefficient, and unethical organization there is, accusations that were levied against AIG.

Here are the facts of the matter. It is absurd for the politicians to scream over $140 million in bonuses when they just passed a pork-laden spending bill in the amount of $410 billion. Anyone on Capitol Hill who opens their mouth about this ought to be slapped. After all, it was Chuck Schumer, Senator from New York, who stated during the hearing for the spending bill that the American people do not care about $200 million.

Another thing: those receiving the bonuses did not create the financial crisis AIG finds itself in. Those parties are long gone. The ones who are there now were the ones put in charge of reversing the trend. They legally earned this money and it is immoral, unethical, and unconstitutional for Congress to take it back.

Finally, the argument that quality people will not leave the financial institutions is bogus. These people are talented. They will find employment elsewhere. There are plenty of companies who are willing to take them on at salaries well above the cap that the government placed upon the Tarp receiving companies. Of course, this will further weaken the institutions the government is professing to want to help. This will lead to the nationalization of these outfits. Do you see how the scam works now?

In case you still have an issue with this AIG deal, here is a copy of a resignation letter that appeared in the NY Times.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Move To State Run Nation

Did you catch the latest proposal out of Obama? He has asked Congress for the authority to have the Treasury take control of any non bank financial company it deems a risk to the broader economy. Presently, this power is granted only over the banks. (Read article here).

They like to call Obama a socialist. It is becoming apparent that he is part that. This move shows how he is turning this country into a fascist state. The government is going to assume all control over every aspect of people's lives. He is quickly moving us on this course.

Obama is all about power. He believes power should reside within the hands of the government. This is 180 degrees opposite of the notion upon which this country was founded upon. Individual freedoms and liberties are going to vanish.

We are seeing a remaking of the 1920s and 1930s when Hitler assumed control. He used the same method of putting all the power in the hands of the Nazis. His agenda proceeded without any negotiation from the opposing viewepoints. We are seeing this played out again. It will be interesting to see how aggressively they go after the media to take that over.

The stock market was right to hate this guy. His first 100 days are a train wreck. He is undoing 225+ years of history in a matter of months. All this is his approach to giving more power to the government. We will see less control over our lives in the future. It is time for the seeds of the revolution to get going.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Endless Pit

Remember when George Bush went against Congress and gave the auto companies money despite the fact that support was lacking. Does it come as any surprise that we are now facing the situation where they need more? This is rapidly becoming an endless pit for us to throw money down.

Initially the companies received $17 billion. Now, they are asking for another $20 billion although it is believed this number will be a lot higher. Here is an article which details the events going on there.

This is ridiculous. The idea of bailing out these companies is a matter of false pride and cowering to the unions. This is not in the best interest of America. Failing is what is needed. To sustain a losing idea is just pissing money away.

Here is the bottom line: nobody wants the cars that these companies are making. They seem to be pushing their agenda based upon electric cars. Guess what. Sales of hybrids are at a non existent level. Yet the government wants to keep pushing this agenda. Once again the government proves how stupid they really are.

There ought to be an immediate stop to any assistance for the automobile manufacturers. If they cannot make it on their own, let them declare bankruptcy and work it out there. That is why the bankruptcy court was created. Reorganization is what is needed.

The argument that we need these companies is a farce. America would survive if we did not have General Motors. Truthfully, there would still be cars made in the United States. Instead of them being built in Detroit, we would see them in plants located in the South. Nevertheless, this is not part of the liberal, pro-union agenda.

Once again, we see the leadership not doing what is best for America. They have their own agenda.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

AIG Bonuses

The Imperial Federal government decided that the people who received bonuses at AIG ought to be taxed at a 90% tax rate. This is nothing more than an outrage. These people did nothing illegal yet are being investigated by the Congress like they were Al Capone. It is truly awful that we have come to this.

Here is the simple fact. A bunch of moronic politicians who are as corrupt as they are stupid are imposing their will. Of course, they are claiming this is to protect the taxpayers money. Why now? They did not seem to care when they were spending $30 million on the study of rats in San Francisco (or whatever they wasted money on).

So, Congress feels that the law abiding citizens who received bonuses from AIG ought to give the money back. It is outrageous that people take money from a company when it is going under. If that is the criteria, maybe Congress should give the money back also. After all, it is taxpayer money.

Here is a list of the top 12 people in Congress who received money from AIG in 2008.

1. Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., $103,100
2. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., $101,332
3. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., $59,499
4. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., $35,965
5. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., $24,750
6. Former Gov. Mitt Romney, (R) Pres $20,850
7. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., $19,975
8. Rep. John Larson, D-Conn, $19,750
9. Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., $18,500
10. Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (R) Pres $13,200
11. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., $12,000
12. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., $11,000

I am sure you will recognize some of the names on there. Funny, now they are the ones most outraged by the bonuses. Hypocritical?

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Abe Says:

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Hoopla over AIG

These days, we do not have to look too far to see hypocrisy. It is plastered all over the news. Each time we see a member of Congress open his or her mouth, it is being thrust upon us like a dagger. I am witnessing a lot of "do as I say while ignoring what I do".

Everyone seems outraged over the bonuses that AIG paid after receiving billions from the government. Now, the politicians are grandstanding about how taxpayer money is being wasted. Hello. Didn't we just have Congress pass and the President sign a bill which had over 8,000 pieces of pork in it? These people are as hypocritical as they come.

The fact is that AIG is contractually obligated to pay these people. That is a fundamental tenet of the private sector; the contract. When two parties agree to something in writing, that is known as a legally binding document. Now, the Feds, in their infinite wisdom want to take the money back. Once again, the corrupt are exercising their abuse of power.

We have Barney Frank blowing (pun intended) hot air about all the money going to these corrupt executives. How about we look into Frank blocking reforms into Freddie and Frannie long before they went broke? Then we have Christopher Dodd double talking out his mouth. Of course, he is the one who gets favorable rates without his knowledge. Yeah, right. And lets us not forget Timothy Geitner, the man who couldnt figure out his own taxes. Now, he is up in arms over AIG's behavior.

This is what happens when government gets involved; everything gets screwed up. The fact that 535 politicians who seem to major in stupidity, corruption, and lying are meddling tells us how dire the situation has become. Government is an entity that will fail each time. Presently, we are moving in the direction where we need to overthrow it. Those who are in power are out of control. The time is nearing.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Blame Game

This is a long time part of American politics (politics in general). It is interesting to note that the world is facing the largest economic crisis in a couple of generations yet nobody is responsible. Instead, they are all blaming someone else for what occurred.

Let's review. George Bush was President with Dick Cheney serving as his VP. There was Alan Greenspan as head of the Fed before being replaced by Ben Bernanke. Christopher Dodd is the head of the Senate Finance committee. And Barney Frank was the one responsible for overseeing Frannie and Freddie. Finally, Barack Obama was elected on Nov. 4th, taking office on Jan 20th.

What is amazing is none of these people is responsible. Here is an article in which Dick Cheney says that the blame doesn't lie with the Bush Administration. He believes that since it is a worldwide recession that someone else is responsible.

Let us be clear: government played a large part in this crisis. Interests rates were sent to an all-time low to avert the recession after 9/11. This, along with the approved easing of lending requirements, caused the housing bubble. Frannie and Freddie were pressuring banks to buy the paper while entering a state of total collapse. Of course, we cannot forget that Congress passed the CRA in the 1990s which established the subprime market. Finally, the regulatory agencies were completely out to lunch the past 10-12 years. This allowed the devious to operate unabated.

Yet, we hear how "it is not our fault". All these politicians should be in jail. They are corrupt as well as inept. If you cannot imprison them, then perhaps we need capital punishment. There has to be some accountability to the American people. How about if our elected officials actually had something to lose. Do you think they would behave differently if their corruption resulted in execution? I think it would have some impact.

The bottom line is that we cannot trust these incompetent boobs for anything. Half of them are not qualified to work as meter maids let alone occupying the powerful positions they do. It is time they all were removed.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

What Is A Trillion?

The deficit according to Obama's budget is going to be $1.75 trillion. Do you know how much money that really is? The average person has no clue what that feasibly looks like. Here is something that will help put it in perspective.

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The Stupidity of The Young

Young people today must be dumber than at any other point in our history. The future leaders of tomorrow are brain dead. I am quickly becoming convinced of it. All the "dumbing" down that our educational system has done in an effort to "not make little Timmy feels less than" is taking its toll. Kids today lack any sense.

We all heard about the Rihanna/Chris Brown incident where he beat her up pretty good. Now, I will admit that I didnt follow the story that closely to know the particulars of what happened. The facts that I did follow is that he roughed her up pretty good. Evidence of the event circulated around the Internet.

What I find disturbing is what a survey in Boston produced. This was an informal study of 200 teenagers. The response is stunning: half believed it was her fault. (Read article here). Are you kidding me? 100 teenagers believed this woman deserved to get her ass kicked by some thug with low self-esteem? Well, that is what the survey produced.

This is why the kids of today at total idiots. What happened to the belief system that it was not right to beat a woman? When I was growing up, this was common sense. Yet, we as a culture seem to say that it is wrong while pardoning those who do it. Rock stars, athletes, and others are given a pass when they are caught doing this. Also, the more the black culture spreads into mainstream society, the more acceptable this becomes. My experience is that domestic violence is more accepted among the blacks. Bitch all you want, look at the stats.

The end result is that society is being taken down another notch because of the acceptance of this behavior. We allow the criminals of this era all kinds of rights. Well, my question is, what about the rights of the victim? This is what we need to address.

Here is my solution in this instance we tie Chris Brown to a chair and let Rihanna beat on his skull for 30 minutes uninterrupted. Let him feel what it is like to be beaten to a pulp.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Few Days and All Forgotten

It is amazing how quickly people forget what is really going on in the world. The stock market staged a remarkable rally this week. It is on its best run in the last few months. Many are speculating that the seeds of recovery are at hand.

Of course, they are forgetting that last week saw the market obliterated. The same financial institutions that are fueling this rally were the culprits then. What is the truth?

I, for one, do not believe that we suddenly solved the economic crisis in a week. There is a lot wrong with all that we are seeing. Unemployment is still going to head higher. The political scene is a mess with Obama spending like there is no tomorrow. At some point, hyperinflation is going to become a serious problem. The banks still have billions in toxic assets on their books. Confidence is still at a low. And, the housing market, the thing that started it all, is still in doldrums. Therefore, what really happened in a week.

The answer: nothing. A CEO came out and said his company was doing well (Citi). Of course, we should remember we heard this same mantra last year. Didn't everyone tell us how stable Frannie and Freddie were just before they were taken over? At the same time, the heads of all the banks we spewing optimism during the economic collapse. So, why are we to believe them now.

At present, I am betting that we are in for a quick and hard downturn. There is nothing to indicate that things are getting any better. A couple of harsh days in the market will remind everyone that the facts are terrible. The world economies are going downward.

America seems to have a short-term memory. We fail to remember the lessons of yesterday. The economic crisis is still weighing heavy upon us. Nothing the government is doing is going to solve this overnight (if at all). Personally, I believe we are in for a period where they only made things worse.

In closing, remember where we were only a week ago. Rome was not built in a day. At the same time, this recession will not turn until we suffer a whole lot more pain; regardless of what the powerful tell us.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another Exaggeration Of The Powerful

I am shocked. Well, not really. According to Gallup, many Americans are believing that perhaps all the hysteria and gloom/doom surrounding global warming might be a tad over the top. It seems the percentage of people who are thinking this way is growing. Perhaps it is because the weather is getting cooler in many parts of the country. Record lows have a way of doing that.

According to a study just release, the number of independents who are skeptical is growing. You can read the statistics in this article here.

I find it ironic that this subject falls along party lines. To me, this shows that it became a political process. There is no science left in this debate. How come the percentage among the Republicans and Independents rose while the percentage for the Democrats remained the same? Obviously, the politics are influencing the beliefs of these people.

It is a crime that there are billions of dollars being spent on something that is nothing more than a massive marketing ploy. There might be some validity to some of the science. Yet, anything that is real was warped beyond recognition. Al Gore and his cronies are turning into the biggest liars in history. It might be time to take all those awards away from him.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Seems Consensus Is Waning

Disinformation is something that I really despise. After looking into the manmade global warming hysteria over the last few months, I am now convinced that this is a movement based upon fabrications. The entire consensus that Al Gore and his cronies tout is totally bogus. It is time that the truth be revealed.

It appears that there will be a gathering this week of credible people who carry a viewpoint that the argument over manmade global warming is not over. These individuals believe the evidence provided to prove "man's destruction of the Earth" is not credible. I tend to follow their reasoning.

The conference started today in New York and was to include over 800 people from all over the world who do not subscribe to the theory that man is responsible for global warming. In fact, many feel that the planet is cooling rather than warming. The average person in the northern hemisphere need only look at this winter's temperatures to understand that theory.

Also, there will be over 70 scientists in attendance at the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change. These are all people who feel that the Al Gore argument is totally bogus. It is nothing more than a campaign to promote something that he and his cronies are profiting tremendously from.

It is time that the average person woke up to the fact that their is another side to this argument. The notion that all credible people are for this concept is false. This article mentions that in addition to the 70 scientists on hand at the conference, there are another 650 worldwide who have expressed skepticism over man's involved in climate change. Wake up people and stop drinking the Kool Aid.

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Job 1: Protect Us

The politicians in Washington are forgetting one thing: the most important responsibility they have is to protect the American people. Mark my words: if Americans are harmed by terrorist organizations, whether they are from the Middle East or Mexico, there will be hell to pay. Obama and his cronies better develop some defense mechanisms. Their liberal pandering to people who hate us is going to get people killed. That will result in a sentiment to pay back in kind.

Mexico is a mess. Someone better realize that. Enough cow-towing to all the Hispanic organizations. If you dont like it, leave. This is a place where the citizens of this country have a right to feel safe. All the illegals coming over the border are putting innocent people's lives at risk. It needs to stop. We are witnessing chaos in our cities and the Federal government sits back and does nothing.

Houston is a city that is in total disarray. I believe they are still trying to recover from all the lowlife scum they accept from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Now, they are dealing with Mexican drug dealers. Here is a story which shows the danger this city is facing.

I will say one thing about the Socialist George Bush: he understood how important it was to protect the American people. It was something that he stayed consistent with no matter what the polls said. He went to bed believing he did all he could to protect America. And, the results show that he was successful. Nothing happened on American soil after 9/11. I doubt the same would be true if Obama was running the show. I sense that we are going to see something happen in the next few years as Obama and the liberals reveal all our secrets (just think of Diana Feinstein revealing on camera that we used Pakastani bases). These people have absolutely no clue.

The time is nearing when the American people will have to take matters in their own hands. It is sad because most of them are sheep. In all actuality, many of them deserve their fate. It is the basis of nature. Survival of the fittest is the norm. In this era, it is intelligence that is the main commodity. And, most do not have enough sense to get out of the rain. They will learn only after it is too late.

I am here to warn everyone of the impending changes that are coming. We are seeing chaos in every facet of our lives. If you believe the government is going to fix anything, you are a total fool. The fact that our southern border is not secure shows how inept the United States leadership is. We are harking on a time when collapse on many fronts is a possibility.

Make your preparations now.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

American Workers

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa is pushing to have foreign workers fired before American workers. It is his belief that the government should tell companies who goes first. The pathetic part of all this is he is referring to companies who did not receive any government bailout. And, he is a Republican, the supposed party of non-government. Yet, he is pushing legislature to make this policy. (read here)

This all stems from the H-1B visa program. Under this, foreign workers are employed to fill roles that American are not qualified to fulfill. The high tech companies are the primary users of these types of workers. Over the last few decades, Americans have not entered into the fields of science and research. Plus, our educational system has inadequately trained our citizens to fill these voids. Thus, high tech companies are forced to get labor from outside the U.S.

Now the government feels the right to tell private companies like Microsoft how to run their businesses. This is abysmal. It is bad enough the morons in Washington are involved in banking, the automobile, and I am sure at some point, the airline industry. These people feel that all is within their rights. Capitalism is being destroyed by all who are in charge.

It is sad that so many people are losing their jobs. Yet, this is a condition of a recession. The marketplace has a way of clearing out the excess. In times of prosperity, lots of companies are formed which cannot survive a downturn. Thus, the marketplace clears out the weaker companies with the stronger ones surviving.

Protectionism does not work. Forcing a company to keep a weaker employee simply because he or she is American is not how businesses flourish. Companies prosper because they accumulate the best talent. Having "protected" people only weakens the entire organization. This is why I have such a problem with unions. They provide cover for those who are inadequate which makes the whole less effective.

Senator Grassley is another politician who has no clue. He simply does not get it. Here is an example of an elitist in Washington who thinks he knows how business should run. This is absurd and ought to be outlawed. It is time for Washington to go away. All they do is screw things up worse.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do As I Say...

The tax cheats that Obama tried to put into Cabinet positions are only the tip of the iceberg. It seems that there are many in political power who feel that paying taxes is beneath them. This is the group that is responsible for spending the taxpayer dollars. They will raise taxes whenever they see an opportunity yet feel the need to disregard the rules themselves.

Here is an article that outlines some of what is occurring in the Georgia legislature.

It seems the representatives in the state Congress feel exempt from paying (and even filing returns) taxes. Here is a clear situation where these people ought to be immediately removed from office and sent to jail for a year. They take an oath to uphold the laws of the Land (state, federal, etc...). To me, this is the breaking of sworn testimony. Perjury charges ought to be levied with an automatic 1 year imprisonment if convicted. Perhaps this will start to alter the actions of the powerful.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Inspired Not To Produce

We all know that many government people are lazy and only seek to draw a paycheck. The concept of working hard is not on the agenda. Career progress is usually a result of politics as opposed to hard work and innovative ideas. That, unfortunately, is the nature of government.

For the past 200+ years, we were fortunate because growth came from the private sector. People were inspired to create and produce. Most of this growth came from small business and individuals who wanted more. The American Dream was in play and available to those who went after it. This behavior was supported by the government.

Now, that idea is dead. Obama, in only 5 weeks in office, killed the American productivity system. I will admit, that is an amazing feat. He really has changed things like never before. I have never seen one individual scare the country like this man. It is rather Hitleresque (for all those who are offended at the comparison, screw you!!!). Obama is taking fear to a new level.

The American Dream was crushed with one budget proposal. It is really an incredible thing to see. Anyone who is making over $250,000 is going to get royally screwed under this moron's ideas. Therefore, we are going to see an adjusting of the marketplace. People are now inspired to work less. That is the new American Dream.

Here is an article found on ABCNews (Not exactly a right wing site) detailing this idea.

Obama is CLUELESS. There never was anyone who occupied the Oval Office with less sense than this guy. He is beneath contempt. Perhaps Obama should have gotten a job in the private sector before trying his hand at policy that affects business. His sense is none. He will be known for destroying the way America operates. The new American Dream is fat, lazy, worthless people on welfare.

It is time for a massive tax revolt. That is the first stage of the revolution.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Capabilities of the Government

This sums up how imept the government is. After reading this, I feel less certain about them being able to run the banks, AIG, or a car company. Perhaps they should focus their attention somewhere else.

Read article here.

Anyone else scared now too?

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